Monday, April 18, 2011

Tengoklah Kalau Berani!

The Mexican Island of the Dolls asalnya adalah an island covered dengan patung2 mayat in varying states of decay. beratus2 patung yang bergantung kay pokok kat sini.

The background to this attraction is steeped in superstition. ada mengatakan bahawa tiga orang budak perempuan melawat pulau ni dan salah sorang drowned and her spirit menghantui pulau ni. Don Julian put up a doll to ward off the spirit, and these dolls have simply increased in number over time...

SOurce: Lupa ah.... 


  1. admire ur blog. patung mengingatkn aku dgn cerita charlie~

    ::Widelia Trilobata::

  2. thanks, tapi tak tahu pula pasal cerita charlie tu..:)

  3. haha.. 'perfect doll'

    -beware with stare of Mary Shaw-

