Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BMRI Night. Our Night!

Tarikh Keramat à18th March 2011ß
Wow! Seronok sangat malam ni. It was the best night ever! Whoa, macam apa je kan. Don’t worry, malam yang bersih dari arak wei.. lol..
Malam itu adalah malam makan malam (dinner) yang mana ia adalah annual event.
Accurately, ia adalah farewell dinner for the 3rd year students of BMRI.
Entah lah, kebelakangan ni, kami 1 kelas jadi makin rapat. Before ni, kami agak kurang rapat, masing2 dengan geng masing2. Haiya.
Masa di Sebatik dulu, kitorang dah rapat, malam dinner ni pula, jadi bertambah rapat.
Actually, kami tak secara seluruhnya dalam dinner tu, tapi kami buat hal kami sendiri (for 3rd year mariner je).. Snap sana sini.. haha.. memang sangat enjoyed!
Masa persembahan kami(persembahan yg sama macam di Sebatik), kami enjoy habis-habisan, bila persembahan tarian melayu menari, kami yg kat bawah pentas pon joget sama2.. Wow!!! Happy sangat wei!!!
Buat dua orang lecturers yang bakal menamatkan pengajaran di UMS, Dr Than Aung and Dr.Saifullah Arifin Jaaman (my beloved supervisor for my FYP), diorang berdua tak duduk meja VIP pon, mereka join meja student2 3rd year mariner.
Mekasih Dr.Than, Dr.Saiful. We love you both!! Gonna miss you after end this course.. Huwaaa....
Hubungan kami 1 kelas jadi makin-makin-makin rapat. Sangat rapat. Bila berkumpul, asyik ketawa je. Kami ketawa bersama-sama, main teka-teki sama-sama, kalau tak dapat jawab, ‘campak’ orang tu sama-sama, atau ‘campak’ pemberi teka-teki sama2. Lol~
Gonna miss u guys..
Alamak, rasa macam nak nangis pulak. Sob, sob.. *sabar opie, sabar*
Guys, kita berusaha habis-habisan for our final sem in UMS as mariner.. Lets do our best!!
Please, please, keep our memories in UMS..
Please, please, keep in touch after out from UMS.

Ivy and Me *with D.I.Y french manicure--me lah, not her*

Kiay and Me


Oh no! Mong hang, are u going to kill Jiun Yann? No-no!

Yar Jiun Yann, u should kill her. Jaiyo!
*parang plastik bah tu*

LoL~ it is us again!

Ivy (left), patricia (Right) and me---Before our dance performances. Syiok loh~

Fang Sing and me... *D.I.Y french manicure mesti tunjuk.mesti*

Our last performance. Medley yang diketuai oleh Haikal and Fangsing, dgn guitarist Elron.

Ops, tergedix sikit. *silalah lempang*

At the end of our dance performance, we all invit our lecturers together dance with us. tarian Sumazau. ala, sanang punya tarian bah tu.. *tapi tetap cacat juga menari*

Sexy back kah? 

Lady Haha and Lady Shasha?

Us again~

Last but not least, ni saya ada cite sikit kawan2 yang post kat Group Mariner Batch 08/09 or at their status:

  • “hey hey hey!!! u all rock the BMRI night just now. it wil be the most memorable night besides the one we had in Sebatik Island. I will keep all ur smiles in my heart and never NEVER delete them. Thanks for the last memories coursemates!” (Olivia, 2011)

  • “akhirnya sempurna..kita akan tinggalkan ums sebagai seorang legend..”(Haikal, 2011)

  • “Mariners~ Yeay!! It was an awesome nite!!! Lets spend more time together for de remaining time.. I'm so gonna miss u guys!!! Thanks for being the wingless angels to me these 3 years. GBU~ (sia lupa ba mau cakap tadi time kana tanya) ba kecepatan keuploadn kegambaran~ kemauan ketinguan kedanan kekomenan~”(Ivy, 2011).

p/s: BMRI=Borneo Marine Research Institute. An institute that has 2 courses in UMS, Marine Science and Aquaculture. Both courses are from School of Science and Technology of UMS.. (yar, we in UMS use SCHOOL not FACULTY. Lol. Macam zaman2 sekolah kan)
All the pictures were stolen from Fb kawan1.. hehe.. halal kan? Sudah kena tag, ok lah tu kan.. Olivia cakap tiapayah watermark, kalau bukan gmbar kita sendiri.. XD


  1. thank you. lepas ni tolong update blog saya panjang-panjang macam ni..

  2. hahahaha...cis.....sedih pla bc ne...huhuuu..shai i lappp u!!!!!! <3

  3. haha... lepas balik dinner tu terus sy menaip.. update boleh bila2 masa,.... hehe...
