Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sampling Si Olivia

Jan  5, 2011. Teman Olivia sampling. Siap Olivia terkejut saya nak ikut die. Olivia siap cakap,Bukan nye best pon sampling. Haha.

It’s fun, Olivia.. hehe

 And this provided me with the opportunity to do some birding *ayat xboleh blah kab*

Best la sbb dpt tgk burung2.

Dpt la tgk Pacific Reef Egret, Heron yang besar nye 60cm.

Ade juga dr Family Kedidi. Helang pon ade.


Tak Banyak sgt pon.

Unfortunately, no special camera, so gna shja la kamera Olivia. Ok juga. Dapat juga ambil gmbar. Wewewe.

While we sampling near UMS jeti, Ali and the geng nmpak Whale shark siot. Huhu. Unfotunately lagi, saya xnampak. Rugi. They even said that that shark is bigger than our UMS stenella’s boat. Whoa! Unbelievable isn’t it?

Percaya lah……

Don’t worry, whale shark filter feeder je, if we do swimming sblh die pon, and xkacau, it give no harm to us, k? Hehe..

I know la, before I’ve been chosen by my supervisor to do seabird as my FYP, he want me to do  about whale shark, so ada la study ckit2 kan.


So, if uols wish to see photos of us while sampling, buka shja la my fb k?*sape lah nak gk tu, perasan je*

And, here are some photos of bird & monyet that I took using Olivia’s water proof camera. *canggih,canggih*, and the photos already been cropped, so kurang kualiti ckit la, dah la ambil dr jauhhh kan, kan, kan…

 MuKa Kepadasan Monyet Pas Makan Mentos. Haha..

Rufous Night Heron 

Chinese Egret + Great Egret

Pacific Reef Egret

Cr untuk Olivia sbb sudi took me along! Muahx! Hehe..


  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!! akirnya..ada gambar saya di blog kamu..hhehehe. Sorry lambat baca, saya dah jarang buka blog sendiri..penyakit berjauh hati. lol~ Thanks for the entry Shai! :P

  2. Haha.. baru tahu ker? lama nya entry ni.. hehe~
